40 Days – 40 Bags

(Originally posted in Facebook on March 7, 2019)

Yesterday, I received the best news I’ve had in a long time – I don’t have jury duty today! I can’t begin to tell you how excited I was to find out that bit of information. Isn’t that terrible? Now, I have a teeth cleaning at the end of the month to look forward to. Ugh.

Leading up to yesterday, the first day of Lent, I had read about an idea called 40 days, 40 bags – where you use the time during Lent to de-clutter your home. So, M and I started last night with our older son’s old bedroom and dug into his former closet. Wow! We found his high school graduation cap and gown, his baby book, flyers from when he started a lawn cutting business as a teenager, report cards . . . it was amazing! There were also tons of clothes that M and I hadn’t worn in 20 years that needed to be purged.

It took longer than I had planned, because we did more than just one bag of “stuff” to donate or throw out, but I think from now on, we’ll stick to the one bag rule. We were exhausted by the time we were through. M was a great help, although he did want to hang on to some pants that he hasn’t worn since we moved into this house 20 years ago. I had him try them on . . . and that was all it took. They joined the “donate” pile.

The only glitch I noticed during the evening was when M saw that the trash can in the bedroom where we were working was full. He went to the kitchen to get a garbage bag and came back with a grocery bag from the last time we went shopping. I was expecting a large, 50 gallon garbage bag to hold all the things we were throwing away. It didn’t matter . . . it wasn’t important and the trash was easily combined in a large bag once we were done. But it’s more insight into how he’s thinking and what’s going on.

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