Amazing Trip

(Originally posted to Facebook on March 27, 2019)


After days of sitting in airports, running for flights, hiking, walking, eating (lots of eating!!), riding, touring, shopping, talking, exploring and never getting used to LA traffic – we are home!

We had a WONDERFUL trip to California to see our younger son and it all turned out very well. We each got to do some of the touristy things we wanted to do while we were there, so we had a good time.

I finally had an opportunity to talk to our son about M and his diagnosis face-to-face. He took the news better than I had expected, but he had been living at the house until May 2018, so he had seen what was going on until that time.

I did stress to him that this diagnosis is not to change his career plans AT ALL. I don’t want him to decide that he needs to come home and “take care” of us. The best thing he can do to take care of his father and me is to continue on the career path he is on right now and get all the education and training he can. Take advantage of every opportunity that comes his way to learn and to grow in his field – THAT is what will be most helpful to us.

M did very well on our trip. There were moments – as there always are – but on the whole it was a good trip. There were a couple of hiccups on our return trip and those seemed to throw him for a loop, but he did pretty well.

We had to get up at 3:30 am Pacific Time, to catch our flight out yesterday and didn’t get home and settled until after 7:30 pm Eastern Time – which made for a LONG day. M decided that he wasn’t going to go to work today because he was tired. Of course, he wouldn’t get paid for this day off because he has used all his paid time off, so we had to have a conversation about that. I understand being tired – I’m tired, too. But I suggested he get a good night’s sleep and get on in to work today. He went in – I just hope he stays all day.

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