Check Behind Me

(Originally posted in Facebook March 11, 2019)

What a crazy, busy weekend! I don’t care what anyone else says – I will miss that hour of sleep until we get it back in October. I understand all the hype about it being daylight later, but it was so dark this morning, it really messed up the start of the day.

A part of our work this weekend was to continue our de-cluttering efforts. We’re starting to see real progress and I think that makes it seem even more worthwhile. There were several little things that happened with M over the weekend – nothing major – but just little bumps in the road that remind me of the long road we’re on.

As we were finishing up one of our cleaning hours and were putting things away, I handed M some coins we had found and asked him to put them in a piggy bank we have on the counter of the kitchen. Later that day, I found the coins sitting on the kitchen counter, about three inches from the piggy bank.

On the same day, we also found a stack of note pads and I handed those to M and asked him to take them to the den because we never seem to have anything to write on when we need to make a note in the den. I later found those note pads in the kitchen junk drawer.

M was working on the laundry and we ran out of detergent. He found me to tell me and I told him that I knew we had run out, but that there was a bottle of liquid Tide on top of the dryer (we normally use Persil.) He asked if it was okay if we used Tide.

Again, none of these things are dangerous or major incidents. No one is hurt by them. But they show me that I need to check behind him on just about everything he does – which gets to be exhausting! He got frustrated trying to put gas in the car, fussing about how the machine wouldn’t take his card, but the problem was him. The machine was asking for his zip code and he was entering his four digit PIN code.

I know there aren’t any easy answers. I’ll just keep looking for blessings and miracles where I can find them.

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