Chicago that toddlin town

(Originally posted in Facebook on March 6, 2019)

Yesterday, I had lunch with a group of women and we talked about being strong. Not in any particular situation, but generally speaking, how women are emotionally and mentally strong. I think most days, I’m doing well. There are blips on the radar, but I usually get through each day with few, if any, tears and with a positive attitude.

Until yesterday afternoon.

Not exactly sure what happened, or where it came from, but I met with someone in my employer’s HR department to talk about FMLA and insurance and all the fun stuff you have to think about for the future. I did get a little teary-eyed as I explained M’s situation and why I was asking all these questions, but that’s not unusual. But as the HR person handed me a tissue, I could feel a hysterical crying fit coming on. The kind where your chest is going to start heaving in uncontrollable sobbing and you won’t be able to stop. It took everything I had to hold that in and keep it from spilling over – because work and the HR office was NOT the place I wanted that to happen.

A friend asked me last week if my doctor had prescribed any medication for anxiety or to help me sleep. No, is the answer, but I told her that chocolate is my drug of choice, followed closely by carbs – namely good bread. We won’t discuss what these “drugs” are doing to my waistline or how they will affect swimsuit season (ha!) Right now, a sleeve of thin mint Girl Scout cookies is all I need to make me happy.

M and I watched TV last night and it was one of our favorite nights of the week – the night we watch all the Chicago shows . . . Chicago PD, Chicago Fire and Chicago Med. We watch on one of the streaming services. They’re fast-paced shows with interesting plots, but he watched all three with headphones on, listening to music.

I guess as long as he’s happy, it doesn’t matter. 

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