I am Tired

(Originally posted in Facebook on March 8, 2019)

The purge continues!

No, not those horrible movies (that I refuse to watch) but the 40 days, 40 bags cleaning out/de-cluttering purge. What a great feeling!

After we worked so long and were so tired Wednesday night, we decided that we would truly stick to the one bag per day idea. Once we had filled a bag, we were done for the day. That worked much better. It took about an hour for us to fill a bag and then we spent the rest of the evening relaxing and watching TV.

When I left for work yesterday, I started the dishwasher and I put a sticky note on it that said “clean” so M would know the dishes had been washed. Last night, I opened the dishwasher to load some dirty dishes and saw that he had put away the dishes from the bottom rack of the dishwasher, but the clean dishes from the top rack were still in there. No problem – I put them away quickly and moved on.

An area I’ve noticed M having trouble with is garbage vs. recycling. We have a trash area in our kitchen that has two trash containers – one for garbage and one for recycling. The town we live in has recently mailed out new guidelines on what can and cannot be recycled and we have posted those guidelines on the refrigerator. Not a day goes by that I’m not pulling garbage out of the recycling bin or recycling out of the garbage bin. Again – it’s not a problem . . . no one is hurt if a piece of trash goes in the wrong spot. It’s just that sometimes I get tired of being the one in charge of everything.

Maybe that’s the problem right there – I’m just tired.

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