Lumbar = DQP

(Originally posted in Facebook on February 20, 2019)

M was scheduled for his lumbar puncture today and we were very nervous going into the medical center for the procedure. I don’t know why, but this test felt more serious than all the others he’s had. He didn’t have to fast prior to the test and was in good spirits, although his blood pressure was a little high (nerves, I think) before they took him back.

It took quite a while, but it was UNsuccessful. The physician said they tried in three different areas to draw spinal fluid, but were unable to get any. They’re blaming it on the fact that he takes an Aleve every day for his knees, but I don’t know. He still had to lie flat on his back for an hour before I could take him home and is to remain quiet all day.

Now he’s to discontinue the Aleve for the next two days and they want to try again on Friday. At first, I thought he was going to balk and say no – he didn’t want to try again and he was through with the testing. But he agreed, so we’ll be there Friday morning at 11.

On the way home, we decided he deserved a Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese and a large order of fries. Since it’s so cold and miserable today, I think dinner will be grilled cheese and tomato soup. Not very keto friendly, I know. More like comfort food. I think after your spine has been punctured three times, you deserve to be comforted. 

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