That’s Not How This Works

(Originally posted in Facebook on March 18, 2019)

There are a couple of ways in which I am very envious of my husband. He has never had to be on a diet in his life. Never. I, on the other hand, feel as though I have spent my entire adult life on one diet plan or another.

So now, when we’re at a point in his life where we’re trying to manage his diet – not just to affect his weight, but to impact his health – he doesn’t have the experience I have had to get him through this process. Let me explain . . .

My understanding is, with the keto diet, you have to eat a high protein, low carb diet to force your body into ketosis (using fat rather than carbs for fuel) and it takes about three days for this to happen. If you cheat and increase your carb intake, by eating sugar or bread, then your body comes out of ketosis and you have to start the process over again.

I’ve tried to explain this to M, but he still thinks it’s okay to cheat, as long as he’s “mostly” eating a keto diet. But that’s not how this works – that’s not how any of this works. He was telling me Saturday that he had accidentally put $10 in a soft drink machine at work, rather than $1, so now he had a credit in the machine. He couldn’t understand why I was focusing on the fact that he was buying a soft drink . . . and the fact that he now had a credit to get 9 more.

We’re traveling, later this week, to see our younger son in California. Last night, M asked me when we were leaving and I told him Wednesday. Later, he asked when we were coming back, and I said Monday. He said, “Not this week.” I told him no – Monday of this week was the next day (when we were talking,) so we would be coming back Monday of next week. A friend suggested I get a big calendar and mark all the upcoming dates and events on it and I need to do that. Maybe it will help.

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