Who Can Take a Nothing Day?

(Originally posted in Facebook on March 13, 2019)

Yesterday was a good day!

There have been some disturbing incidents happening in our neighborhood lately and a neighborhood watch meeting has been scheduled for tonight, so M and I drove around for about 30 minutes, after I got home from work, posting flyers about the meeting. Then we went to our son and daugther-in-law’s house to babysit two of our grandchildren while the oldest one had baseball practice. I can’t believe they’re practicing this early in the spring! (It’s not even spring yet!!)

And it was a really good evening! M was engaged and focused the entire time. He interacted with both grandchildren, read to the 4 year old, played with the 6 month old, watched TV without music on . . . it was all good stuff! Nothing extraordinary – but extraordinary in its normalcy.

I would LOVE more days like this.

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