Change of Heart

(Originally posted in Facebook on July 25, 2019)


M had his interview yesterday and when I asked him about it last night, all he could tell me was “everything was all over the place.”

I didn’t understand that, and as much as I tried to get him to explain it, that was all he could tell me. We tried four different times throughout the evening, and that was all I could get – everything was all over the place.

Finally, as we were getting ready to go to sleep, I started asking yes or no questions to see if I could get to the bottom of how the interview went and what the problem seemed to be.

What I finally figured out is – the job that he interviewed for is much more detailed and intimidating to him than he thought it was going to be and he decided that he didn’t want to do it, after all. Ideally, M wanted to shadow the man who was doing the job for several weeks before he left so he could learn the ropes that way . . . but “Bob” has already retired, so that isn’t an option.

So, M and I talked about the job he has now . . . how he’s been so unhappy with it all this time, but if he’s going to stay with it, he needs to find a way to be happy doing it. I realize it’s not the work he wants to be doing and it’s not with the people he’s worked with for all those years. But he’s doing a good job, the people seem to be kind and he has a good relationship with them . . . except for the supervisor.

I just hope he can find a way to be happy there for as long as it lasts.

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