A Look Ahead

(Originally posted in Facebook on August 25, 2019)

I wanted to write about on this Friday, but what a CRAZY day at work!! Even though my boss is back (thank goodness!!) I felt like I was running around the same way I did during those two weeks when she was out. The good thing about a day like that is that it flies by. You get there at 8 am and the next thing you know, it’s time to go home.

M had a really good time when he and his friend went out to eat Thursday night. They were out until almost 9 pm and he said they had a lot of fun, catching up. I was so glad that it all worked out that well. His friend called me Friday morning and said that he and his wife want M and me to come down to the beach to their house there and spend a weekend with them this fall. I think that sounds GREAT! His wife is super, so I know we would have a ton of fun. I hope we can make this happen.

Then, as I was driving into work Friday morning, I got a call from the HR representative at M’s job. Evidently, things have not been going well since we all talked last week. M and his immediate supervisor do not get along and, added to the challenges he’s been having with this disease, it has not been a good situation. M and I will meet with the HR representative again Monday morning at 7:30 and we’ll see what happens. I think, based on the conversation we had Friday, that M will be placed on medical leave, effective tomorrow morning.

Although I like him having the structure to his day that a job gives him – and of course, there’s the money situation – I won’t be sorry that he’s not driving there every day. I’ve been worried about his driving for a while, so this will be a relief. He’s been so unhappy in this position, in the year that he’s been working in it. He’s missed the friends that he worked with for over 27 years, so getting away from a job he was unhappy with and away from a supervisor with whom he didn’t get along will be a good thing.

The next step will be to get M to his physician to determine whether or not he can/should go back to work. We’ll have to see what the future holds.

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