Always Hopeful

(Originally posted in Facebook on March 29, 2019)

M and I had a follow-up appointment with his neurologist yesterday – the first since his attempted lumbar puncture (spinal tap) that was unsuccessful on February 20, 2019. I was happy to see that the doctor didn’t even try to talk him into attempting the procedure again. I think he knew there was NO WAY M was up to that again. It was just too painful and stressful that one time.

He did go ahead and prescribe Aricept as the first step in treatment – such as there is available – for M. We got the prescription last night and started with a 5 mg. dosage. We’ll move up to 10 mg. next month if he tolerates this well.

I also learned of an integrative medical practice about 30 miles from here that advocates Dr. Dale Bredesen’s (“The End of Alzheimer’s”) testing and protocol. This work encourages following the Keto diet, which is what I’ve been TRYING to get M to stick to – without much success. I’m calling today to see if we can get an appointment. All the other practices that I’ve found to help with this protocol have been 2 – 3 hours away and have a 6 month waiting list.

Speaking of getting M to stick to the Keto diet – last night I came home from work and really didn’t feel well . . . I think I’m coming down with a cold. So I put my pajamas on and was in bed before 6:30 pm. I fell asleep right away, so I must have needed the rest! This morning, I opened the cabinet to throw away some trash, and there was an empty ice cream carton. Sigh. I guess I know what M was doing while I was asleep.

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