And Then it Rained

(Originally posted to Facebook on June 10, 2019)

All winning streaks must come to an end . . . and so it is with the peaceful, easy time M and I had while I was out of the house every evening last week. Sigh. It was fun while it lasted.

This past weekend, he and I didn’t have much scheduled so we had LOTS of together time. And then it turned out to be a very rainy weekend, which increased the amount of time we got to spend together. Yet another planned kayak trip was rained out – I’m beginning to think that we’re not meant to get the kayaks out of the garage.

Yesterday, I asked M to strip the beds while I got the laundry started. He asked me which beds.

The ones we sleep in.

The ones we strip every Sunday and wash.

I just said the ones we sleep in and he did it without a problem. But I was a little surprised by the question.

Ah well – we now have clean sheets and comforters!

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