Back to School

(Originally posted in Facebook on July 15, 2019)

M and I try to donate blood every eight weeks at a local church that sponsors a blood drive . . . he’s type O negative, so they practically give him a piggy-back ride to get him there. Everyone at the church who works the blood drive is really nice and they have the best snacks – homemade peanut butter crackers, donuts, fresh popcorn. And now you know why I go!

Now that “back to school” is right around the corner (can you believe it?!?) the church is gathering supplies for children whose parents can’t afford to buy them. So, I stocked up on some things that M and I could donate and help out. When we were unloading our groceries, I told him to put the school supplies in the dining room and we would take them to the church later.

Saturday afternoon, he asked me what we were doing with all those school supplies.


4 Replies to “Back to School”

  1. No can be good. Pace yourself, this is a marathon, not a sprint. That’s great M finished all the chores. Keeping him busy will be a great thing for him mentally and physically.

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