
(Originally posted in Facebook on July 12, 2019)

It’s a red letter day – both M and I got out of the house today and neither of us had a headache! I think that deserves to be noted in some way.

Last night, I went downtown to the old theater to see “Grease” with a friend. M wasn’t interested in going, so it was a girls night out. We had a ton of fun – it was hilarious to see all the people in the theater singing and clapping along with the songs in the movie.

M did call me when he got home from work yesterday to let me know he talked to someone from his HR department about the new position he wants. Unfortunately, I really don’t understand what the HR person said . . . and M doesn’t seem to be able to tell me. He and I talked about it again this morning and I still couldn’t make any sense out of what he was saying.

He said the HR guy told him they received his application for the job. Okay – got that. But then there was some sort of conversation about next steps and all M kept saying was “doing that thing” and “you know.”

When he’s saying “doing that thing” I think he’s referring to the application we completed online, but as far as I know, it’s done. There’s nothing else to do. The ball is now in HR’s court.

And when he says “you know” – no, I don’t know.

So we had a couple of very frustrating conversations, with neither of us understanding what the other one was trying to say. I finally asked if there was anything we needed to do for him to apply for this job and he said no.

I guess we’ll have to wait and see what happens.

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