Don’t Kill the Babysitter!

(Originally posted in Facebook on May 1, 2019)

After the novel I wrote yesterday – sorry about that :\ – last night was much different . . . M and I didn’t see each other at all!

Our older son and his wife wanted to take their oldest son to see Avengers Endgame, so I went straight from work to their house to babysit for the younger two boys. You don’t appreciate how old you really are until you’re trying to keep up with a four-year-old and an eight-month-old. I know I did it when our boys were little, but I guess I eased into it – rather than getting thrown into the deep end.

Oh, they were fine and no trouble – just wanted constant attention – so I felt as though I was being pulled in two different (and opposing) directions the entire time they were awake. I was glad to see their bedtimes come up!

M was asleep by the time I got home (10:30 pm) so we didn’t get to talk until this morning. He said the dogs kept looking for me all evening. They had definitely been glad to see me when I got home!

It’s going to be a beautiful day here – hope your day is just as wonderful!

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