Don’t Wake Me Up

(Originally posted in Facebook on August 5, 2019)

The good news for this weekend: we were able to get M’s music list loaded on my old Ipod, so now he’s able to listen to his music to his heart’s content. Yay.

We had a good weekend. We spent time with the grandkids and M was involved and enjoyed his time with them – which was fun to see. The four-year-old was concerned about the boo-boo on M’s face, which was sweet.

But then, last night, M woke me up at midnight, concerned about the time. This hasn’t happened in the LONGEST time. And he broke the cardinal rule that I instituted when I started getting up with him at 5 am – the “Don’t wake me up in the middle of the night” rule.

He jumped up and looked at the clocks and then woke me up to ask if the 12 was right. Of course, I had no idea what he was talking about. By the time I made sense out of what he was asking, all I could tell him was that it was midnight and “GET BACK IN THE BED AND GO TO SLEEP!” I’m sure I was the picture of patience and decorum.


This morning, when we got up, I went to the kitchen to start breakfast and he started getting dressed. Nothing was said until he got to the kitchen and he said that he wasn’t feeling well – his stomach hurt. Huh.

So, I got him some Coke and dry toast, gave him some Tums and sent him out the door, but I hadn’t gotten my makeup on before he was back home again. He said they had sent him home. So, now that’s six days he’s been out.

Plus, he’s scheduled for a more intensive diabetes test at the doctor’s office Wednesday, so he’s planning to be out all day that day. I know I keep saying it, but I have a feeling he’s not going to be working much longer.

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