
(Originally posted in Facebook on June 11, 2019)

I was upstairs in the kitchen last night when I heard M say “fight, fight, fight!” I thought he was watching the Braves baseball game, so I flew down the stairs – because the Braves don’t usually get into bench-clearing brawls – and there really was a fight! The pitcher for the Pirates and the Braves 3rd baseman were both ejected from the game – wow!

M is concerned because the transfer he was so excited about at work hasn’t happened yet. He’s starting to worry that “something” has happened, but he doesn’t know – or can’t say – what that something is. I’ve suggested he talk to a friend of his who works in the HR department, but he hasn’t done it yet. Of course, this could be the beginning of the end of his job – or it could be that the wheels are s-l-o-w-l-y turning and it will all come together soon. It really could go either way.

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