Good Morning!

(Originally posted in Facebook on June 6, 2019)

Two good days in a row! Wow – I almost don’t know how to act.

I have to admit, I’ve been out of the house for most of the evening both nights, so that could have something to do with how well everything has been going. It’s hard to have a bad day with someone you only see long enough to say good night to. And I’m meeting another friend for dinner again tonight, so it will probably be another good night. 

But then, that takes care of all the “nights out with friends” I usually schedule each month – for some reason, they all landed during the same week this time. So the rest of June, we’ll have plenty of “together time,” when we can drive each other crazy.

This morning, as M was leaving for work, he walked out to his car and then asked me to hand him his keys from the key holder. I said they weren’t hanging there. His response?

“What do you mean, they aren’t there?”

Me: I mean, they aren’t there.

And neither one of us had the most pleasant tone of voice at 5:25 am.

Where were the keys? In his hand.

Now, people do things like that all the time. Run around frantically looking for their cell phone while they’re talking to someone on their cell phone, explaining how upset they are that their phone is lost. Search the house and office over looking for their glasses that are sitting on top of their head. It’s not a big deal to look for your keys that are in your hand – along with your lunch box, Ipod, sunglasses and a bottle of water.

I think we both need to work on having better morning attitudes.

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