I Do Appreciate . . .

(Originally posted in Facebook on April 10, 2019)

Yesterday was a strange one. Cloudy all day and it looked as though it was going to rain, but never did. M said he stayed in bed until noon, but he had vacuumed the entire house before I got home, which was a nice surprise. He was feeling fine and had eaten dinner by the time I got home, so we took the dogs and went for a walk.

Later, we were watching TV and a commercial came on for “Game of Thrones.” He and I saw the very first episode of that show at my brother & sister-in-law’s house several weeks ago when we visited with them. We’ve talked about it a couple of times since then and agreed that if we watched a few more episodes it might grow on us but, based on that first one, we didn’t really like it. Last night, he said:
“Have you ever watched that show?”
Me: Game of Thrones?
M: Yeah – have you ever seen it?
Me: Yes, you and I watched it together at J and T’s house. We said we didn’t like it.
M: Okay.

And then he went on with whatever he had been doing.

Later there were some forms he needed to sign and date. Very simple – signature and date (4-9-19). There were sticky arrows on each paper that even said “sign and date here” so there was no question about what was needed and where it was needed. For each paper, I had to repeat, not only “sign and date” but “four dash nine dash nineteen.” For every. Single. Paper.

But here’s the good thing – he doesn’t get upset or angry or frustrated. He just laughs and keeps on going. I’m incredibly grateful for that, because I know it could be so different. He could really lose his temper and be unpleasant to deal with during these forgetful times. I have to remember to be thankful that he is accepting all of this so well.

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