I Knew It!

(Originally posted in Facebook on August 29, 2019)

I got it exactly right!

I predicted what the neurologist was going to write on the paperwork that he faxed to me about M and that I have now forwarded to the HR representative. I just wish that I could predict a lottery win or something like that. I never seem to have a good “guess” come to mind about something like that.

The doctor wrote up, as we discussed, that M should continue working, if at all possible, but that he should be in a different position. He needs to be moved to a new place in the company where he can be successful, have less stress and be safe. The safety is the most important piece. If that isn’t possible, then . . . I guess we’ll see what the next steps are.

I’ve faxed the papers to the HR rep and followed-up with an email, but no response.

The ball is in their court. So now we wait.

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