I’m Grateful for . . .

(Originally posted in Facebook on August 29, 2019)

Things from yesterday for which I’m grateful:
1. The speed with which we were able to get in to see M’s neurologist.
2. A much-needed and uplifting dinner with friends.
3. A text conversation with my d-i-l – not only was it wonderful, but I have it and can go back and look over it again when I’m feeling low.

We met with M’s neurologist and talked about our meeting the previous day with his HR rep. And I really felt like everything we told the doctor was discussed the day before in the HR office. But M got extremely upset when I restated everything from the HR meeting. He felt as though I was attacking him and making up things that hadn’t happened. It wasn’t fun.

The neurologist believes – and I do, too – that the longer M can continue to work will be better for him. It will keep his mind engaged, keep him focused and with a purpose for his days. But his safety and the safety of those around him is what is most important. So I think the doctor is going to recommend finding a place where he can be safe. If that can be done. If it can’t, then it may be time for him to leave. The paperwork is with the doctor now and I’ll pick it up later this week.

The ride home from the doctor’s office wasn’t fun – M felt like we had beat up on him. But by the time I got home last night, he was fine. I didn’t mention it again and neither did he.

Dinner with my friends last night was exactly what I needed. They were/are so supportive and the best listeners. And then they asked – how can I help you? These monthly dinners are the life saver I need! They get me out of the house and give me something to look forward to.

More good news – my dad goes out to eat every Tuesday with a group of his friends and I asked dad if M could join them as a way to get out of the house and have some companionship, besides mine. He said yes!. So, next Tuesday, he’ll join my dad and his buddies.

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