It Wasn’t Me

(Originally posted in Facebook on May 9, 2019)

It’s possible I’ve found another “work around” that has reduced stress and made life a little bit easier. Yay!

I left M a list of chores to do when he got home yesterday – I asked him to run the vacuum and dust our bedroom. He also decided to cut the grass in the backyard. By the time I got home, he had done everything except dust and he asked if the dusting REALLY needed to be done. I asked if he had REALLY looked at our bedroom recently.

I have to say, he did a great job. He wasn’t so good about putting things back where they had been, but I went behind him and replaced everything and – between the two of us – we got it done in record time. Success!

I also made sure the dogs had water before I left the house this morning.

As he finished breakfast today, he put his plate in the dishwasher and I noticed that the plates were loaded backwards from the way the dishwasher rack is set up to wash them. And they were falling over. I asked them why he had the plates in there like that and his response was:

“It wasn’t me. I didn’t put them in there like that.”

Well, let’s see. These are your breakfast dishes. There are four of them there – one for each day this week, Monday through Thursday. You put them in there every morning. So who do you think did that?

I’m starting to learn – whenever he says “It wasn’t me,” you can bet it most certainly was him.

Oh! I knew there was news . . . I heard back from his neurologist on the Frontotemporal Dementia question. The results of his earlier PET scan show that is NOT the form of dementia that M has. Even though there are several similarities between the different forms and he is so young to have developed dementia, that is not the area of his brain that has been affected.

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