Let’s Eat

(Originally posted in Facebook on April 23, 2019)

For a while now, I’ve been amazed, and a little concerned, about the amount of food that M eats. Of course, I’ve been trying (without success) to get him to eat a Keto diet. And I know it’s hard. I’m the one who scarfed down an entire pack of pink Peeps before 10 am yesterday.

I get it.

And I’m also aware that someone (a loving, caring someone) could be out there, right now, having these same thoughts about me. (I’m really concerned about the amount of sugar she’s eating . . . )

But last night, we had Easter leftovers – ham, fruit salad and homemade mac and cheese. Yum! And, of course, there was some left over dessert for when we had cleaned our plates. I watched M eat everything, but only about half of his mac and cheese – then he threw the rest away. Okay – that’s fine. He said he was full. Then he went to the pantry and got an individual serving container of apple sauce and polished that off. Then ate another. Then he decided he wanted a piece of the cheesecake dessert we had. Then he finished off the chocolate pudding in the refrigerator. After an hour or so, he had gone upstairs and gotten a bowl of ice cream.

Now this, I don’t get.

At his last neurologist’s appointment, he was over 200 lbs. which is the highest he’s ever been. But, of course, the doctor didn’t say a word. At his last GP appointment, his blood pressure, cholesterol and sugar levels were all borderline, so he’s going to be in trouble when he goes back – IN JUNE – and they’re worse. They’re going to want to put him on all sorts of medications and he’s not going to like it.

At the same time, I don’t want to be a nag. I’m not his mother. I want him to enjoy his food and be happy. I feel as though I’m walking a fine line – wanting what’s best and not sure how to get it.

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