Officially Available

(Originally posted in Facebook on July 3, 2019)

Best part about this week? Only working three days. Worst part about this week? It’s so dang hot!! Ugh!

When I got home from work Monday night, M made some comment about the laundry that had been on the floor in front of the dryer when he got home and how he had taken it upon himself to put it in the washer and get it washed.

Wait just a minute . . .

This is the laundry that was in the dryer Monday morning when he was frantically searching for his missing item from work. The laundry that he threw every which way (including out onto the floor) while he searched for the missing item that I found in his lunchbox.

And he wants me to thank him for doing me the “favor” of washing it?

When I told him how the laundry had ended up on the floor in front of the dryer, his comment was (of course) “I didn’t do that.”

He called me at work yesterday to let me know that the new position he’s been so anxious about has finally been posted as an “available” position by his HR department, so he can go online and officially apply for it. So that’s how we spent yesterday evening, applying for that position. He wanted to get it done the minute I walked in the door, but I managed to get him to wait until I had time to put my purse down. So anxious!

Wishing everyone a safe and happy Independence Day holiday!

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