Perspective is Everything

(Originally posted in Facebook on April 4, 2019)

Last night was interesting – and funny – because I was feeling better and able to look at everything with a sense of humor. Thank goodness!

Before I got home from work, M evidently decided that the fitted sheet and comforter from the linen closet he had used the previous night weren’t going to work for a second night. They had been taken off the bed and he was in the process of washing the sheets and comforter the dogs had messed up. Fine. I don’t care. So when it was time for bed and I went to the bathroom to wash my face, he was in the process of putting the original (but now clean) fitted sheet on the bed.

When I came out of the bathroom, the fitted sheet was on the bed – but that was all. The original (and now clean) comforter was in the laundry basket. The sheet and comforter that had been used for one night were at the end of my bed. And M was down the hall in the bathroom that he uses, taking a shower. I also noticed that, at some point, his bedside clock had been unplugged and needed to have the time reset.

When M got out of the shower and came back into the bedroom in his underwear, instead of putting on his pajama pants or finishing up his bed, he immediately walked over to his bedside clock and asked me how to reset it. I told him I would help with that – but first, let’s get his pj’s on. Then finish up his bed. And put away the sheets and comforter from the previous night. In other words – let’s finish one thing before we move on to the next.

This morning, when he came into the kitchen and I was cooking his breakfast, he realized he had not made his lunch the night before, as he normally does. He looked around for his lunchbox, but couldn’t find it – it was still in his car from the day before. We have a good checklist for the mornings – to make sure he has everything he needs and has done everything he needs to do before he goes to work. I think it’s time to put together a checklist for the evenings to make sure everything is in its place before we go to bed.

What is that saying? Failure to plan is planning to fail . . . or something like that. We need to get this plan going.

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