Setting Sail

(Originally posted in Facebook on May 10, 2019)

So here we are – the day before we leave on our big trip. Yay!

I’m a little concerned, because it means taking M out of the comfort of his routines. He does better with routine, so I’m not sure how this is going to be for him. He seems to be looking forward to this, though, so I hope it’s going to go well. I say “seems to be” . . . he doesn’t get excited and enthusiastic about things like he used to.

I usually have at least one major freak out about an upcoming trip in the days prior to the event – and I managed to work that in on Wednesday. I got an email from the cruise line letting me know what time we were to board the ship and it occurred to me that none of the logistics and itineraries I had for the trip seemed to match up with the departure times and . . . there I went. Spinning out of control.

Fortunately, my travel agent is wonderfully patient and walked me through the entire process and I really do have everything I need. So, I’ve printed out every correspondence from her – including her phone number – and I’m set.

I don’t think I’ll do much in the way of “blogging” or checking in on this space while we’re gone. Wifi on the ship is pricey $$$ and I’ve spent enough. But, I’ll try to take lots of notes so I can report back on the funny stories that happen – because there are bound to be funny stories that happen!! – when we get back.

Sending all of you love and hugs – and many thanks for your support!

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