Shop til you Drop

(Originally posted in Facebook on April 29, 2019)

What a beautiful spring weekend! M and I spent as much time as possible working outside in the yard. As he was cleaning up the backyard, in anticipation of mowing, he found a small animal carcass. Yuck!

He bagged it up and then asked me if he should put it in the blue (recycle) bin in the garage.


So, I finally got some wide masking tape and made labels for the top and sides of the blue bin that say “Recycling Only” and “Monday Collection.” I don’t know if it will help, but I’m hoping.

Then he wanted to go to the grocery store last night to stock up on those little cups of applesauce – he was out of them and he eats 4 – 5 of them a day. It’s better for him than ice cream or something like that. Since he was going to the store, I asked him to pick up a box of Rice Krispies for me.

He brought back a box of Frosted Krispies.

This past week, we’ve both been trying to limit sugar in our diet. We haven’t been frantically reading the ingredients in everything we eat and swearing off anything that has sugar listed as one of the first ten ingredients, but we’ve been staying away from the obvious things like candy, ice cream, cookies, etc. I would say Frosted Krispies would be on the “no” list.

He said he’s going to return them today.

I know, eventually and sooner than I think, these are all going to become my responsibility. Either I’m going to have to handle them myself or hire them out. I’m just so accustomed to sharing them with M. I’m used to being able to ask him to do something around the house and him being able to handle it.

This really is a new kind of normal . . . and I don’t like it.

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