Summer Afternoon – Winter is Coming

(Originally posted in Facebook on June 21, 2019)

I have started to think that the universe doesn’t want me to take a walk . . . at least that’s what I’m telling myself.  For the past two nights, it’s either been raining when I got home or a storm has been on the way, with thunder rumbling. So my grand plans for getting out and walking haven’t come through.

Oh well – we’ve still had a couple of good days anyway.

Last night, I was putting together my online list for the Wal-Mart shopping app so I could pick up our groceries Saturday morning. I still love, love, love this service! M was getting his lunch together for Friday.

M: I only have one more protein pack left.
Me: It’s on the list – I’m picking up more of them Saturday morning. 
M: I just used the last of the applesauce.
Me: It’s on the list – I’m picking up more of them Saturday morning. 
M: I’m out of cashews.
Me: It’s on the list – I’m picking up more of them Saturday morning.

I felt like a broken record. (Now THERE’S a dated reference!!) We get the same items for his lunches every week, and yet he was in panic mode because we were running out of them. SMH.

This should be a good (and busy!) weekend. The local single-A baseball team is playing tonight, so I see peanuts and cotton candy in my future. Then, tomorrow night, there’s an old theater downtown that is showing the first three Star Wars movies (numbers 4, 5 & 6) at 4 pm, 7 and 10 pm) and M agreed we should go see them again on the big screen. I can’t believe he agreed to it – but I think it will be a ton of fun! Popcorn for supper!

As it’s the first day of summer – and the days will now start to get shorter – I hope everyone gets the opportunity to get outside and enjoy some sunshine and blue skies. What is that phrase we heard all last year? Winter is coming. Ha!

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