The Best of a Bad Situation

(Originally posted in Facebook on June 28, 2019)

There are days and there are times when this horrible disease (dementia) is evident and I worry and fret and lose sleep. And then there are days and times when M does things that are just so typically . . . I don’t know if I want to say “male” or just say “human.” I’ll let you be the judge.

Yesterday, I came home from work and put together a pound cake for a friend who is having a birthday today. I try to clean-up as I go, but invariably, there is cleaning to do when I’m done. Once the cake was in the oven, I asked M if he would go outside and water the plants on the front porch while I cleaned up the kitchen.

Cue the heart-felt sigh.

I told him he could clean the kitchen instead and I would go water the flowers, but he said that I had made the mess and I should clean it up.

Okay. There are two things that need to be done. Pick one.

So, he went outside to water the flowers. After I finished in the kitchen (it didn’t take long) I went outside to help and noticed that there were some plants that still needed to be planted and they were looking very sad and wilted in their little packs from the nursery. M had already watered them, so I grabbed a shovel and began to plant them. When I pulled them out of the packs, I saw that he hadn’t given them enough water to get to the roots – he had only gotten the top of the dirt wet.

Can you tell he REALLY didn’t want to do this?

This morning, I had let the pound cake cool overnight and was ready to take it out of the pan and take it to work. I ran a knife around the edge of the pan and turned it over onto a plate – and the cake didn’t come out. I tried it again – still nothing. Finally, after a third time, about two-thirds of the cake came out onto the plate, leaving one-third of the cake stuck to the pan.


I just stood there and looked at this mess and M walked into the kitchen, chuckled and said “uh oh.”

Let me just say, he’s lucky to still be alive.

I didn’t kill him. I didn’t cry. I didn’t throw it all away. I made some vanilla pudding, took some blueberries and strawberries I had in the fridge and my friend is having a fruit trifle for his birthday. Yay.

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