Thirty-five Years – Wow!

(Originally posted in Facebook on August 2, 2019)

It’s been tough on M, staying home this week. He enjoys not going to work, but not being able to lift things and having to “take it easy” isn’t easy for him. He’s so glad to see me when I come through the door every evening!

The accident he had while riding his bike was the kiss of death for his Ipod. It’s been on it’s last legs for a long time – cracked screen, stuck buttons, etc. – but landing between him and the pavement was the final indignity. At first, I was glad – yay, he won’t sit in front of the television with his headphones on every night.

I’m so stupid.

I didn’t take into account his OBSESSION with his music. I came home from work one day and he had been searching through the house for my old Ipod. I can’t tell you how many YEARS it had been since I had seen it.

So . . . I joined him on the search and finally found it. Now, we just have to get his music loaded onto it and he’ll be ALL SET. He’s practically hopping from one foot to the other for that to get done, but we will make it happen.

As of tomorrow, we will have been married 35 years. Wow – who would have believed it?!? A girl I worked with in Tampa, FL introduced me to a guy her husband, who was in the Air Force, worked with and five months later we were married. Our oldest son is 32 today. It’s been a crazy ride, but I wouldn’t have changed one minute of it for anything.

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