Time for Sleep

(Originally posted in Facebook on July 17, 2019)

I’m not sure exactly what was going on with M last night . . . we had a pretty typical evening – dinner, TV and then bedtime. It’s not unusual for him to fall asleep while I’m in the bathroom, washing my face.

But last night, he couldn’t seem to fall asleep. He had turned over and I was reading in bed – as I do – but he kept grouching at me to “turn the light off.”

Of course, as soon as I did turn the light off, I fell right to sleep and slept through the night. Ha! This morning, I didn’t ask him how much longer he was awake – I didn’t want to know.

It’s so hot here – 95 degrees during the day and the heat index is well above 100 – our air conditioner is having trouble keeping up. That could be a part of his problem. He’s still putting on a t-shirt, long sleep pants and socks for bed. I know that’s what is comfortable to him January – maybe he needs to change it up in July!

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