We all Scream for Ice Cream

(Originally posted in Facebook on August 7, 2019)

When I got home from work Monday night, I wasn’t too surprised to see M eating a bowl of ice cream. Of course, he was feeling better and was able to treat himself to something tasty.

When I asked him about his day, he said that he had spent the morning in bed. I was thinking “Well, that makes sense. You got a nice, long nap, then you were bound to be feeling a little bit hungry.” But I managed to keep all that to myself.

He did manage to go to work yesterday and didn’t have any problems.

My boss is on vacation for the next two weeks, so I’m having to stay later at work and attend meetings I don’t normally. I’m not having a good time.

Yesterday, M told me he had gone to the store to get some more apples (he’s back on an apple-a-day kick) but that when he had tried to pay for them, his debit card didn’t work. I asked him what the error message was and he said “I don’t know.”

On my way home from work, I stopped and got apples without a problem. So . . . did he forget his PIN code? Was there a problem with the machine? Should I make sure he has some cash and just forget about the card?


Today, he’s having his four hour-fasting diabetes test. We’ll see how that goes. But if I couldn’t get him to stick to a Keto diet, I don’t know how I’m going to get him to stick to a low sugar, cholesterol-lowering diet. Talk about a challenge!

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