What if it’s a Scam?

(Originally posted in Facebook on July 24, 2019)

Things are moving . . . things are happening.

M got a call earlier this week from one of the managers for the new area where he wants to work, inviting him to an interview today. Yesterday, he told his current boss that he had the interview scheduled for today and his boss said, “What if it’s a scam?”


He got a call, from the company he’s working for, inviting him to an interview for a job, for which he applied, that will take place there at the company and this person is questioning whether or not it could be a scam?!?! Really?

We both stood in the kitchen and laughed so hard . . . we could barely stand up. I don’t think anything has made us laugh like that in a long, long time.

Other than that, things seem to be going pretty well. Fingers crossed that things go well for him today. He’s so miserable in his current position . . . I hope he can get back to the “other side” of the company, where I think he’ll be a lot happier.

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