Workin’ on a Good Mood

(Originally posted in Facebook on June 19, 2019)

What a difference a day makes!

Thank you to everyone who reached out with love and words of encouragement! Yesterday was a MUCH better day, all the way around, and M and I had a much better evening. It could have been because I had a wonderful, relaxing dinner with a friend last night, so our time together was limited – therefore our time to make each other crazy was also limited.

But, whatever the reason, we had a good evening and a good morning to start off today.

Several things I’ve been reading or listening to lately have talked about the importance of exercise every day – if for no other reason than to get endorphins flowing in your body. Exercise is something I avoid like the plague, but I probably need to change my thoughts about that. Even if it’s going for a walk – I need to get moving and stop sitting around every night. It’s not doing either one of us any good.

We’ll see if today’s quote is true or not . . .

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