I Did it – I Think . . .

It may have taken a few days, but I think I did it!

I transferred the content I had from my Facebook page over to a website of my very own. I can’t tell you how much time I spent on Youtube, listening and watching videos about how to install and start my own website. And HOW MANY phone calls and emails I’ve received from India with people and companies just dying to help me – for a small fee, of course.

But I think it’s done!

Still no news from M’s employer. They emailed me and said they had received my paperwork from the neurologist and “would circle back with me.” Since they had given M a two week medical leave, I imagine I won’t hear anything until the end of this week.

When I left M and went to work on Friday, I left a list of things for him to do and we talked about taking our kayaks out when I got home. I know he took the dogs for a walk and I know he got one of the kayaks on the trailer before I got back at 3:00. H says he didn’t watch TV . . . but he couldn’t explain what else he did from the time I left at 7:30 until I came home. It’s not that I wanted every moment accounted for, but he hadn’t done anything else on the list and seemed confused about where the day had gone.

We had a good time with the kayaks and have had a quiet, uneventful weekend. I was supposed to go to a birthday party on Saturday afternoon, but I was having car problems – again! I’m starting to think it’s time to look for a new one, but it’s just not a good time.

So, we’re starting the week with M having a few more days off, me with a dodgy car and a friend who thinks I skipped her party. Here’s hoping it improves!

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