I Have Things to Do!

Wow – has this been a crazy, busy day at work! You would think I was getting paid to do all this nonsense around here. Don’t these people know I have blog writing to attend to and hurricane tracking to do? Priorities!

The only thing Dorian sent to our area was a little bit of rain and some wind. That was it. I know the coast had tornadoes and much worse to worry about, but if we hadn’t known there was a major hurricane off shore, we would have thought we were just getting a few sprinkles. Which reminds me – I still need to water my plants.

Yesterday afternoon, I babysat our three grandsons while my son was working and my d-i-l was at a parents meeting at school. For some reason, my son’s dog LOVES to take things out of my pocketbook. I try to make sure it’s closed and put where she can’t get it, but somehow she always manages to get in there. Yesterday, she came walking in the room with my name badge from work in her mouth. I was holding the toddler, so I handed the badge to M and asked him to put it back in my bag. When we got back home, my d-i-l called and said she had found my name badge on the chair, where my bag had been. M had put the badge beside my bag, rather than in it. It’s not that big a deal, except I need the badge to get in certain doors . . . and found myself standing outside the main building this afternoon, waiting on someone to come by and let me in. I felt like a nutter. The kids live just far enough away to make it too far to drive last night when she called. As my brother pointed out – I should have put the badge in my bag myself.

This morning, I asked M to help me get the trash out before I left for work. He went out into the garage and I thought he was getting breakfast for the dogs. He was gone for the longest time – and the dogs were going CRAZY! I finally opened the door to the garage and saw that the big garage door was open and M was at the street with the big, blue recycle bin. The big, blue recycle bin that I have marked “collection on Monday.” So, I waved for him to bring the big, blue recycle bin back to the garage, got food for the dogs and proceeded to gather the trash to put out at the street. I know there’s an answer to that one – I’m just not sure what it is.

Our town is having “music in the park” tonight, so I’m looking forward to that. It will be nice for the two of us to get out and relax – no pressure! Let’s hope they haven’t called it off. Ha!

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