
We did it!

We got M packed, to the airport, on the plane and to our younger son . . . and I didn’t kill him in the process. I really think that deserves some sort of celebration. Believe me – there were points in the process where my shoulders were up over my ears and I could actually feel my heart racing. I was THAT stressed out.

First, all love and kudos to American Airlines – they made the process as easy and painless as it could possibly be. I purchased the one-way ticket for M as soon as we decided that he could make the cross-country trek with our son and entered the information that M would need special assistance and noted his medical issues. Then I called American Airlines Customer Service and spoke to someone in their Special Assistance area and was cleared to get a gate pass, so I could walk with M through security at the airport and to the gate. Also, our son would be able to get a gate pass and pick M up at the gate.

Then, Monday night I helped M pack. I started to see how he is thinking about things as we went through this process. I said to him “pick out four shirts you want to take.” He picked up one shirt, then gathered four pairs of underwear and handed those to me. So, I had to say no – put those down, let’s go back to the shirts. Staying “on task” is an issue.

But we got through it until it came time to look for his glasses. He has a pair of prescription eye glasses, a pair of prescription sunglasses and many pairs of readers. I asked him to get his two pairs of prescription glasses together for the trip. First, he didn’t know where they might be. I suggested his car, since he usually uses them to drive. He found his eye glasses, but not the sunglasses. Then, he kept bringing me readers and asking if those were the sunglasses I was wanting. That was when I could feel my heart start racing – I really felt like I was going to have a fit. I finally had to admit that the sunglasses are missing – they’re nowhere to be found. Oh well.

When I left for work Tuesday morning, M was so surprised – I think he thought I was going to sit there with him all day. Since his flight didn’t leave until 4:30, there was no need for us to leave for the airport before 1 pm at the earliest, so I could do a little bit of work – and have a little break.

We got to the airport and through security without a problem – although he did leave his wallet in the tray at security and the TSA agent had to walk it over to him as we were standing at the end of the line, putting our shoes back on. We got to the gate, got him on the plane in the first wave of people being boarded and he was off.

When he landed, my son called to let me know he had been able to get to the gate to collect his dad and that he had him. When I woke up this morning, I saw a text had come through at 1:10 am saying that his dad had left his Ipod on the plane (that darned Ipod!!) but then another one a few minutes later saying false alarm – the Ipod was in the bag – all was well. Thank goodness! Who wants to go searching through L.A. for an Ipod?!?!

Now, their cross-country trek can begin! I’ve told them to take lots of photos. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

14 Replies to “Success!”

  1. I so hope you are able to relax and unwind while they are on their way. I’m sure I’d be anxious about how things were going but hope it can also be a time of respite for you. What a great adventure for those two!

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