A Journey of A Thousand Miles . . .

When I think about how far our younger son has come in the last 18 months . . . it is mind-boggling. He entered the Coast Guard on May 1, 2018 and, although he joined on his own – no one talked him into it – he would have told you he was being forced into doing it.

He was 25 years old (one month away from 26,) living at home with Mom and Dad, waiting tables in a restaurant, paying his own bills (cell phone, car insurance & gas, etc.) but not really making any progress toward moving upward and onward. M and I told him he HAD to do SOMETHING. It didn’t have to be the service, or college (although he had already tried that) but it was time to get out of our house and start his life. Watching him take that oath and leave for boot camp was so hard, and then the letters we got from him during the eight weeks of boot camp – I can’t tell you the number of prayers and times I cried!

But now – he is so mature! The difference in him is AMAZING! And we could see the difference at the end of boot camp! He plans ahead and takes responsibility for things – he’s thoughtful and considerate. Things we tried to drill into him as he was growing up.

All this to say, I’m so happy that he and his dad are taking this trip together. They spent their last evening in California, last night, having real Mexican tacos with a friend of younger son’s from high school, a friend from college and several Coast Guard friends. I know M enjoyed seeing our son with all these young people, having a good time and eating good food.

And today they hit the road.

I’ve encouraged them to take TONS of pictures, stop at every “World’s Largest/Greatest/Best” stand they see and just enjoy the journey. Many, many years ago, before we had children, M and I made the drive from NC to NV and we drove as though someone was paying us to see how fast we could get there. What was wrong with us? Why didn’t we take our time and enjoy the sights? Then, five years later when we made the same trip back to NC with a three-year-old, we drove just as quickly back. We were nuts!

8 Replies to “A Journey of A Thousand Miles . . .”

  1. I love that they have this time together! You are so right, we too often make it about the destination but the journey is what lives on in our memories.

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