America the Beautiful

It sounds like the trip is going so well!

My traveling men called as they got on the road Thursday. It was about 2 pm Eastern time, which was 11 am on the West Coast and they were just getting underway. Neither of them are the “start the road trip early, let’s get this show on the road” types that I am, so I shouldn’t have been surprised they weren’t getting started at the break of day – but 11:00? Turns out they had gotten a good pancake breakfast under their belts and then they were ready to go.

M also told me about all the fun they had the night before, meeting and hanging out with younger son’s friends and shipmates at the bar – and how delicious the REAL tacos had been.

When I called to check in with them Friday night, the first thing M told me was about seeing our younger son’s friends at the bar.

At first I was confused, but then I realized he was talking about the last night they had in California – Thursday night. I could hear our son talking in the background and then he said, “Oh yeah, today we saw the Grand Canyon. Our son got too close to the edge.” M is always worried about people getting too close to the edge – of buildings, mountains, canyons . . . you name it.

Turns out they drove to Flagstaff, AZ Thursday and then to see the Grand Canyon on Friday.

And today their trip continues . . .

Not sure what’s next, but can’t wait to see! I was hoping they’d send me some pictures, but they are the worst about sending them along. M says he doesn’t know how and son is driving. So – I guess I’ll see them when they get here.

And I’m having a weekend of watching movies M would hate. The dogs are having fun – they’re getting lots of snacks – and I’m looking forward to naps.

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