Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jog

I have it on very good authority that my traveling men are only 4.5 hours away from home . . . although they’ve planned a day that will get them home later than me tonight. They’ve really been serious about this “seeing the country” as they make their was back home and I’m glad for them. As someone who can only stand about two hours in a car before I’m clawing at the windows, screaming “let me out of here!!!” I can’t say I envy them, but I’m happy they’ve had this opportunity together to see the USA.

I didn’t want M to be met by the sight of the front yard needing to be mowed when he got home or younger son to think I had a chore waiting for him, so I got out the lawn mower last night and fired it up. I think I scared our next door neighbor half to death . . . I was almost finished cutting the grass when she came over to ask me why I was doing it. I think she was REALLY worried about M and the fact that I never cut the grass at our house. I appreciated her being concerned, but everything was fine – and I was pretty proud of myself by the time it was all said and done. I waited until the sun had gone down and I didn’t get out the weed-eater, so it wasn’t the worst.

On the things to look forward to list, the Downton Abbey movie will be in theaters this weekend – I am SO excited! This past weekend, I re-watched the last season, season 6, from the PBS series, so I would be ready to go to the movie. Once I finished it, I decided I had the time, so why not start at the beginning? Now, I’m in the middle of season 2 . . . I may get through the entire series before the weekend! And then I saw that the new Judy Garland movie is coming soon – yay!

4 Replies to “Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jog”

  1. I am so excited about Downton!
    I have never mowed the grass. Not even as a kid. It was firmly my dad’s domain. Before I was married I never had my own lawn living in apartments. And now the grass mowing is all my husband’s department. We aren’t strong on gender based roles in general except grass mowing. I applaud your grass mowing prowess!

    1. I wish your dad had been my dad! I’m the oldest of five and my dad believed the yard chores were our job. We were out there every summer – ugh! I had hoped those days were behind me. 🙂

  2. I didn’t watch Downton Abbey while it was on PBS, but an English friend loaned me all the Seasons and I watched them. I am really excited about the movie as well. Lately, our local PBS station has been airing entire seasons on Sunday afternoons, my husband complains greatly, but he keeps asking questions about what’s going on. He has said he wants to go to see the movie with me. I’m looking forward to seeing it.

    Over the years I have cut grass, but we have always had a riding lawn mower, so it’s not that hard. Since we have a new lawn mower my husband has been happy to cut the grass, which is fine with me. But, it is nice to know I really can cut the grass if push comes to shove.

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