Home, At Last

I know M was only gone a week – and his trip with our younger son across the country took less time than that – but it certainly seemed a LOT longer!

Our intrepid travelers are home and they had a good time. Of course, M had to say “I’m never doing THAT again!” several times – which I’m sure made our son feel good about having him along. I pointed out that he probably wouldn’t have the opportunity to do it again, so it was a moot point.

I did get a chance to talk to our son at lunch yesterday about the trip and how his dad was while they were on the road. He was able to get a better picture of the issues I’ve talked to him about – he said his dad was up and ready to get on the road every morning by 7 am. I think that’s hilarious, because I have the hardest time getting him out of bed and moving if it’s not a work day. Evidently, he was very focused on getting home. He said that he had worried about his dad waking up during the trip and possibly “freaking out” because he didn’t know where he was, but that had never happened.

I had never even thought about that. I guess ignorance is bliss.

Our younger son will be at home until Saturday, and then he’ll leave for his school in Virginia for 13 weeks.

On the Even Bigger News front, after M got home Tuesday night, we spent some time talking about the position his company had offered him and whether or not it would really be a good fit for him. Then I talked to my son about it – since he had spent so much time with his dad and could give me a good assessment of his dad’s abilities. We all agreed that it was NOT a good fit and that the time had come for M to take disability leave from work. My biggest concern, even more than the work itself, was the drive to work every day. God forbid anything should happen to him, but if he were to be involved in an accident and someone else were hurt, I would never be able to forgive myself.

Now, I’m in paperwork hell . . . trying to get doctor’s offices and other people to do what they need to do to get things rolling. This isn’t my idea of a good time.

2 Replies to “Home, At Last”

  1. If M was ever in the military check into any VA benefits he might be entitled to, I know, more paperwork, but it might be well worth it. I know his disability paperwork is the priority. I’ve never had to do that, but I did apply for spousal assistance with the VA for my mom. Lots of paperwork, plus I had no legal proof my mom and dad were married. I had a suitable for framing marriage certificate signed by the pastor that married them and her sister and sister-in-law, all of which were dead. I did find a little allotment voucher where she drew $50 a month while my dad was in Europe during WWII. She did get her benefits.

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