Autumnal Equinox – isn’t that Fancy?

September 23, 2019. The first day of fall. It’s over 90 degrees here today. Summer can just STOP now. I’m done. I’ve been over it for a while now. I’d like some 60 degree days and 40 – 50 degree nights. I’m ready for my sweatshirts and sweatpants.

This was an interesting weekend for us. Our younger son was here until Sunday and then he went on to his school in VA. We’ll miss him, but it’s nice knowing he’s so much closer than he has been. Also, he’s training as a part of his career, so this is important for him. We had a great time visiting with him, but now it’s time to send him on to “what’s next.”

I thought my allergies were acting up on Thursday, but by Friday, it was apparent I had some sort of bug. My throat and one ear were killing me, all I wanted to do was sleep and my son said I sounded like a three-pack-a-day smoker. I tried to work for a little while on Friday (because, of course! That’s what we do!) but I only lasted until noon. Then I went home and slept until 5 pm.

We wanted to have the family over for brunch on Saturday to see our son before he left on Sunday, but older son and his wife had anniversary plans, so brunch turned out to be just my parents along with M and younger son. It was just as well because as the morning went on, I started feeling worse and worse. By the time we sat down, I thought I was going to fall out, and I had broken out in a cold sweat. M looked at me and said “Are you alright?” I said “No, not really.” And my parents sent me from the table to my room.

Yes, at 58 years old, I got sent to my room – and I was really glad. That afternoon, I slept until about 3:30 pm. I think I needed it.

Sunday was uneventful. M and I were quiet around the house. I was taking it easy, and he didn’t seem interested in doing anything, either.

Not much to report on the FMLA – disability – work front either. The company that processes the claims has requested paperwork from the doctor’s office from M’s last visit, which has been sent to them. Then they say that’s not what they’re looking for. Very frustrating. And, of course, when you call to speak to someone, you only get voice mail. Never a live person.

M and I did put together a schedule of “chores” for him to work on during the day this week. I’ll be interested to see what kind of progress he’s made when I get home today.

7 Replies to “Autumnal Equinox – isn’t that Fancy?”

  1. It must be so difficult making this transition. Though different health issues were our problem, we almost had to do similar steps. Hang in there, and this seems so trite but is so true, just take one day at a time.

    1. Thanks! That’s my biggest challenge – to think about ‘now’ and not worry about problems five steps ahead. Today is challenging enough!

  2. I really hope you’re feeling much better! And yes, I’m loving the fall weather that has arrive in the pacific northwest. We’re having your ideal weather conditions right now with some rain thrown in there. I love it this time of year but ask me again in February. On the FMLA front, I really hope you magically get in touch with that one person who really cares and wants to help get the claim processed.

  3. From your mouth to God’s ear! You would think those bureaucrats would get tired of all those papers on their desks and get tired of hearing from me and want to move us along! Funny how that never happens!

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