Right Down the Drain

I forgot to mention that one of the highlights of our weekend was the bonus of spending $500 on a new washing machine. Yay! Just what I wanted to do. No one wants to do laundry to begin with – why do I want to spend money on a new machine to replace the one that wasn’t that old in the first place?

Bitter? No, not me.

The nice thing about M being home now is that I don’t have to worry about scheduling delivery times for the new washer – he’s going to be there. And he had it all hooked up and ready to go by the time I got home, which was nice.

I had a lovely dinner, last night, with a friend and we had a great time catching up. On the way home, I noticed that my low fuel light was on, so I picked M up at the house and he rode to the gas station with me. I handed him the gas credit card and he got out to pump the gas, but then came to my window and said “I don’t know how to do this.”


I got out of the car and showed him where to insert the card. The screen asked him for his zip code and I was in the process of saying “now, punch in our zip code.” Before I could even form the words, he punched in his four-digit ATM code.

Cancel. Start again.

Insert card. Now wait. Punch in your zip code. Then I reminded him what our zip code is. And then we got through the rest of the transaction without a problem.

He’s told me before that his gas credit card didn’t work when he was trying to put gas in his car. I think I’ve figured out the problem.

Today’s good news – M will have dinner tonight with my dad and his friends. We stopped by the ATM this morning to get him some cash, so he’s good to go! I can continue my Downton Abbey marathon in peace.

3 Replies to “Right Down the Drain”

  1. I’m so glad you have put the link to your post over on FB. I’ve missed a few posts, because I don’t always use my laptop to check FB and blogs. It’s so hard to see our loved ones struggle with minor things like the zip code vs the ATM code. Have you see the Downton Abbey movie? It’s great!

  2. I wanted to see the Downton Abbey movie over the weekend, but my power napping kind of ruled that out. I’ll try next weekend.

    Our appliance repair guy (with whom we have worked for YEARS so I trust him) recommended Whirlpool or Maytag, so we went with Whirlpool (it was on sale at Lowe’s.)

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