Is Tequila Sunset a Thing?

I had the most amazing evening last night. I had dinner with a friend at her house and she is one of the luckiest people I know. Her back door opens onto a lake with a beautiful sunset view. After we ate, we walked outside to watch the final moments of light for the day and I could feel all the tension from the day leaving me. It was so peaceful, standing there next to the water . . . it was as though I was exhaling for the first time in weeks.

She asked me if I was seeing a therapist and I told her that I had been, but that I had used all the visits allowed through my insurance plan and didn’t feel as though I could afford to pay out-of-pocket for any more. She reminded me – and don’t we always forget – about the importance of taking care of myself and that I can pinch pennies somewhere else, but I need this outlet . . . even if it’s just once a month. Now I just have to find the contact info for the therapist I had and make an appointment. J

One of M’s brothers and a friend are coming today and staying for the weekend, which set off another stressful morning. M was trying to get the beds made and the bathroom cleaned up for their arrival and wanted me to come in behind him to check everything he did. I don’t know about you, but I only give myself just enough time in the morning to get myself out the door – there’s no “let me inspect the troops” time built in.

Then, he REALLY didn’t like it when I pointed out that he had put two fitted sheets on one mattress and needed to correct that.

I hope this weekend isn’t going to be as long as I think it is.

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