Flea Markets Aren’t Just for Fleas

What a GREAT weekend! It was as HOT as blazes, but we had a wonderful time and thoroughly enjoyed our visitors! I hope they weren’t completely worn out when they left this morning.

I got home from work right before his brother T and a family friend D arrived Friday and M had done a fabulous job getting the house ready for their arrival. We went out for burgers Friday night and made an early evening of it. Right after we went to bed, a CRAZY thunderstorm blew up. Evidently, it was a very small cell that dumped tons of rain, and popped a lot of lightning right over our county. And it wouldn’t move! It just went on and on and on. Our dogs were scared to death. Usually, they don’t pay attention to things like that, but Friday night, they were shaking like leaves!

We got up and went to a local antiques festival Saturday morning. The high temperature Saturday was in the 90s, blazing sun with very little breeze. Ugh. I brought a cooler of water, but we left it in the car, so it did us no good as we walked from booth to booth. I don’t know what I was thinking about. I did make a couple of cute purchases – some small items – but we gave up about half-way through. The heat was too brutal.

On the way home, a delicious Coke icee (slurpee, slushie, frozen Coke . . . whatever you call it where you are) was just what the doctor ordered!

We went to a Barbeque fundraiser that night at the local library and had to leave early so we could get to the cable store before it closed . . . to get a new modem. It seems that our modem was fried in the electrical storm the night before. When we got to the store, we found out that they had been replacing modems all day from that storm.

Sunday, M, T and D all went for a bike ride together then M and T spent some time working on some “honey-do” projects around the house. They were projects that M and I had tried to work on or had just popped up and M wasn’t sure about, but I knew he would have success with them if he worked on them with his brother. I think he and his brother had a good time working on them together and it gave them some time to talk. D and I had some time to talk as well – she’s a recent widow and understands the need to find people in a similar situation. She helped me find some good online resources that I hadn’t seen.

All in all, it was a really good weekend. The only negative was – my phone had an update and now everything about it is different. Talk about a first-world problem!

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