If I Keep Banging My Head Against This Wall…

I knew it wasn’t going to be easy to get disability payments started for M. I knew it. But honestly – I didn’t know it was going to be THIS hard!

The insurance company has requested his medical records from the doctor’s office. Simple enough, right? You would think so, but the date they’ve requested his records for begins in August 2019. The only appointment he had at the doctor since August 2019 was the appointment to determine his fitness for work and to start intermittent FMLA. So, the record of that appointment was sent to the insurance company.

They didn’t want that record. THAT record concerns FMLA and they are working on a disability claim. They want his medical records beginning in August 2019. So they sent in another request for those.

But the only medical records since August 2019 are the appointment to determine his fitness for work and to start intermittent FMLA and that’s the record that was sent. Again.

And they don’t want that record. Again.

Do you see this circle of hell I’m trapped in?

I’ve told this dear, dear woman at the insurance company – Chasity – that she needs to request his entire medical record, not just the record from August 2019, but I might as well be talking to myself. She’s someone you can’t get on the phone to begin with – I end up leaving her a message and she invariably returns my call when I’m in my car and can’t answer the phone.

And in the meantime, he’s not getting paid – of course.

I called his employer today to see if they could light a fire under someone. They have been so incredibly helpful – I hope they’ve got the magic touch on this one!

8 Replies to “If I Keep Banging My Head Against This Wall…”

  1. So frustrating! No wonder people say that getting disability is a nightmare. It shouldn’t be. And do they even care that while they’re fooling around, you still have to pay bills, money or not?

  2. I used to know a guy who helped people get their documents in order to qualify for social security disability. (I know that’s different than what you are working on.) He said all claims were denied the first time. I was kind of flabbergasted by that. But seems to be true. Tenacity pays off if it doesn’t make your head explode first, I guess.

  3. And this is the disability through his employer. I don’t even want to think about social security disability. Aye yi yi!

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