The Days of Our Lives

Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives. Am I the only one old enough to remember that?

The insurance/doctor/employer debacle continues. I spoke to M’s HR representative Friday and she got in touch with someone she normally deals with at the insurance company. That person told her that our file was still missing the signed Certification of Health Care Provider and Medical Release forms.


Those forms were signed and submitted in August. The person who is working with our case has confirmed that to me. She hasn’t done much else, but she has confirmed that.

The problem still remains that the person working with us is requesting records from August 2019 and then, when she receives them, says they aren’t the records she wants. Then she requests THE EXACT SAME RECORDS AGAIN! AAARRRGGGHHH!

I told my boss about the problems with the medical records this morning, and she pointed out that I can order a copy of M’s entire medical record myself and then forward it to the insurance company. AT LAST – a solution!! Why does it always take an outside point to view to see the solution that was right there all along?

This weekend, we celebrated M’s birthday, and I think he had a great day. My parents and our older son and his family (including the grandkids!!) all came for lunch on Sunday. When we were deciding on a menu, M told me he wanted cold cuts from the deli to make sandwiches . . . easy enough! I made a chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting between the layers and it was delicious!

M and I might have had a slice (or two) of cake after everyone went home yesterday and we were watching the Atlanta Braves and Carolina Panthers win their VERY exciting games. The dogs didn’t understand what all the shouting was about, but they enjoyed all the cake crumbs. Shhhhhh!

6 Replies to “The Days of Our Lives”

  1. That cake look magical! Hope M enjoyed his birthday celebrations. And good lord I hope the freaking insurance company gets it together soon. Great idea to request the complete medical record yourself. It is funny how sometimes others can see a clearly reasonable action to take that is invisible when you’re too close and stuck in the (impossible) details. Yay for smart bosses.

    1. As soon as she said it, I thought, “duh.” Why didn’t I think of that?! I guess I was feeling so overwhelmed by the ineptness and stupidity.

  2. Chain of custody might be an issue with the medical records. But, it doesn’t hurt to try it.
    I finally got over here to your blog and caught up on the past couple weeks. Although what you and your husband are going through is heart wrenching, your writing is wonderful.

    1. At this point, I’m willing to try anything. And thank you for your kind remarks about my writing! I really appreciate it!

  3. Yes, when we went for disability, I simply printed the pathology report off my husband’s hospital portal. Stage 4 cancer. That was all I needed.

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