I Want my MTV

I feel like a real detective today – I finally solved a mystery.

I’ve been wondering why M is so attached to his playlist of ‘80s songs and why he sits in his chair, every evening, with his headphones on and listens to music, even though we’re watching something he has expressed an interest in seeing. I haven’t solved THAT mystery, and I don’t think I ever will. I’ve joined a dementia and Alzheimer’s support group on Facebook and it seems as though becoming obsessive about something, like music, is just one of the signs and symptoms of this disease.

But lately, M has been using his phone for the music, rather than the Ipod that I had to search through the house to find, and I wasn’t sure why the switch. And then we got new phones this past week, as part of our cost-cutting measures when we moved to a new cell phone provider.

After I got his new phone set up, over the weekend, he asked me yesterday how he could listen to his music on the new phone. I told him he would have to use the same app he had used on his old phone to download or stream the music – just like before.

We went around and around for a few minutes before I finally figured out that he’s been using his Google search engine to look for songs he wanted to hear and then playing and watching the videos through Youtube on his screen.

Basically, he wants his MTV.

Not MTV like it is now, with silly shows and infomercials. He wants 24-hour music television, playing videos from the 1980s. That’s all he’s interested in seeing.

Hey, maybe someone could come up with a channel like that . . .

2 Replies to “I Want my MTV”

  1. There’s an idea . . . if only it were free. Do they have videos on there? That’s the part he really likes, seeing the music. Now that he’s getting disability, I’m cutting out all extraneous expenses.

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