To Explore New Worlds and New Civilizations

The fact that I know the title comes from the beginning of “Star Trek” is worrying to me. It tells me I’ve been forced to watch WAY too many episodes of the show and the movies and someone, who lives at my house with the first initial M, needs to stop!

M called me yesterday at work to ask if there was a way he could speak into the TV remote and find a television show, the way you see it done on some commercials. We might be able to do something like that with the system we have, but neither of us knows how to do it, so we don’t. If you want to find a show, you can go to the search feature and look it up, but there was no way I could explain that over the phone.

And guess what show M wanted to find yesterday.

10,000 points to anyone who guessed “Star Trek,” the original series from the 1960s. Never mind that he’s seen it 500 times, he wanted to make it 501. I told him I thought there were more productive ways he could spend the day, but he decided, since it was a rainy day, he needed a day in front of the TV. As the person who is driving to work every day, there is something uniquely unfair about that.

I called his employer yesterday to ask about having a “retirement” party for him, to mark the 28 years he spent with the company. I had planned to bake a sheet cake and have some cheese rings and punch. They called me back today and let me know that, not only are they willing to let us have the party there, they want to host it! I’m really pleased and excited for him. His career there may not have ended the way we planned, but I still think it’s worth celebrating.

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