I thought I had nothing to write about today . . . M and I had an uneventful evening last night and nothing much has been happening.
And then the phone rang this afternoon.
Living with an Early-onset Dementia Diagnosis
I thought I had nothing to write about today . . . M and I had an uneventful evening last night and nothing much has been happening.
And then the phone rang this afternoon.
I saw the above image on my nephew’s Facebook feed this morning, and only Atlanta Braves fans will truly understand. Last night’s game was nothing short of a debacle. I had to call my dad when it was over to make sure he hadn’t had a stroke Continue reading “We’ll Get ‘Em Next Year . . .”
M had a great evening yesterday. Had a great time at his wing night and the cake was enjoyed by all. Yay! The bonus was that I got to enjoy an evening at home all by myself, watching “Downton Abbey” and relishing the peace and quiet.
But there’s always that one person who can tell when you’re having too much fun and is determined to stop it. Continue reading “The End of Peace and Quiet”
We have actually had positive progress on the short-term disability front. Yesterday, I received a phone call from M’s employer, letting me know that the liaison for the insurance company had spoken to someone at the insurance company about my problem AND that Continue reading “Trust, But Verify”
Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives. Am I the only one old enough to remember that?
The insurance/doctor/employer debacle continues. I spoke to M’s HR representative Friday and she got in touch with someone she normally deals with at the insurance company. That person Continue reading “The Days of Our Lives”
I knew it wasn’t going to be easy to get disability payments started for M. I knew it. But honestly – I didn’t know it was going to be THIS hard!
The insurance company has requested his medical records from the doctor’s office. Simple enough, right? You would think so Continue reading “If I Keep Banging My Head Against This Wall…”
Throughout our entire marriage, M has always been very handy when things needed to be done around the house. Neither one of us knows very much about carpentry, but he could always handle Continue reading “This House was Built of Wood”
We had another good day yesterday! I think this “not working” thing is suiting M just fine. It’s not doing much for our bank account, I must say. I think we’ll be okay, once all the disability leave paperwork gets settled, Continue reading “What DOES a Donkey Say?”